Hasnain bokhari uni erfurt In his remarks, Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) gift. de +49 361 737-4648. press releases and current topics can be found on the "News" pages of the University of Erfurt. The aim is to strengthen international cooperation and global networks and increase the worldwide mobility of students. Hasnain Bokhari is the Brandt School’s new research fellow for Internationalization and Digitalization of Teaching. T. She is also the Founder and CEO of Education 360, Dr. This article was published in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Hasnain Bokhari, Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence at the Brandt School, visited the Bavarian capital to engage with and learn from practicioners at the Bavarian Agency for Digtial Transformation. If not indicated otherwise, one to two places are available per exchange programme. de) to register. Funding Total project approx. 1177/13548565231209673 Co-author: hasnain. . Secretary Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) kathrin. Kathrin Eisenhauer. Project Resource Persons in Pakistan Ms. Christian Schellhardt; the Head of the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) (advisory) Frank Trefflich; the Director of the University Library (advisory) Gabor Kuhles In the current round for the "Fellowships for Innovation in Digital University Teaching 2023" announced by the Thuringian Ministry for Economis Affairs, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG) together with the Stifterverband, the jury recommended a total of seven applications for funding, including two from the University of Erfurt. Hasnain Bokhari. E Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Short Biography Priscilla Boatemaa Appiah is a Research Associate to the Aletta Haniel Professor for Public Policy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Erfurt. Open Government encourages transparent, collaborative, and par-ticipatory governmental and administrative actions to promote a public admin-istration that is effective, responsive and Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Project Lead on Internationalization and Digitalization of Education, Dr. Dr. To the website of the University of Erfurt Dr. 25 Jahre Universität Erfurt. Digital inequalities in North Africa: Examining employment and socioeconomic well-being in Morocco and Tunisia Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 2023-11 | Journal article DOI: 10. In her research, she focuses on social-environmental movements and energy transitions, particularly coal phase-out processes and questions of justice with a regional focus on the Global South. Bokhari holds a Ph. de. Munazza In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, Dr. His research focuses on eGovernment, digital inclusion, the digital divide, and social media analytics. Atif Ikram Butt. Hasnain Bokhari from the Willy Brandt School The Bulletin interviews: Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, project lead for Internationalisation and Digitalisation at the Brandt School, met the high-level delegation from the Kingdom of Cambodia at the Konrad Adenauer office in Erfurt. Dozent (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) hasnain. Wie die Anfangszeit für ihn war? „Bis auf ‚Guten Tag‘ und ‚Tschüss‘ Postdoctoral Fellow, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt - 41-mal zitiert - ICT4D - eGovernment/Developing Countries - Social Media - Open Data In Dr. The topic of the debate was "Should we stop the development of AI?". Postdoctoral Fellow for Digitalisation. Weitere Informationen Studienberatung (StB) Universität Erfurt (UE) Studium Fundamentale. butt@uni The goal of the lab is to create a space where students can explore and try out different digital tools to prepare them for the rapidly evolving digital world. Fellow University of Erfurt, Germany. 2004-2006 Master of Public Policy Erfurt School of Public Policy University of Erfurt, Germany. Hasnain Bokhari works at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt. Policy Fellow (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) atif. m. On September 22, 2022, Dr. gast_zepeda@uni-erfurt. Content responsibility: Carmen Voigt, Page-ID: 2874 hasnain. More links. 300,000 EUR Erfurt University of Applied Sciences on the topics of mobility and biodiversity on campus, and Ilmenau TU will establish a sustainability communication office Lead of Internationalization and Digitalization at Brandt School, Dr. The second was a lecture with Department of Management Sciences on Social Media Management. 09 +49 361 737-4648 hasnain. Amelie Abarca Heidemann and Dr. The first was a workshop with Chemistry Department on Academic Writing. René Neubauer, deputy: Eric Schümann; the Head of Administration. The number of available exchange places is renegotiated every year and depends on the number of students coming to the University of erfurt from our partner institutions abroad. As part of the "Internationalisation and digitalisation of teaching" project, Dr Hasnain Bokhari at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy is developing ideas for greater internationalisation at the University of Erfurt. Thorsten Thiel, Professor for Democracy Promotion and Digital Policies, Universität Erfurt In January 2016, the Chair of Muslim Cultural & Religious History (CMCRH), University of Erfurt initiated a new research-cum-dialogue project titled ‘Religious Pluralism & Religious Plurality: towards an ethics of peace’. Hasnain Bokhari visited the German Federal Chancellery in Berlin on 26 December 2022 to discuss the national digitalization strategy of Germany. hasnain. Hasnain Bokhari (Erfurt University, Germany), on December 6th, as part of his series of lectures and workshops, conducted two lectures and two workshops. Professional Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Check out professional insights posted by Hasnain Bokhari, Lead: International Linkages at Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt University. Hasnain Bokhari! The award ceremony will take place digitally on Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a. He has been working at the University of Erfurt since 2006. Bokhari's talk drew an audience comprising both students and members of civil society. Profile page. Further news, press releases and current topics can be found on the "News" pages of alejandra. One successful example Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Dr. 63 99089 Erfurt . de Stephanie Gast Zepeda Research Associate to the Gerhard Haniel Professor WBS/0207 +49 (0)361-737-4692 stephanie. Shape Policy. He has been teaching at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy on topics such as Political Communication, ICT4D or eGovernment. He currently leads a project on the Internationalisation and Digitalisation of Education at the Brandt School and his research focuses on eGovernment, digital inclusion, the digital divide, and social media analytics. Lead Globally – with the Master of Public Policy of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives On November 20, 2024, we had the honour of hosting a thought-provoking talk on the Politics of Platform Regulation by Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, who is currently leading the internationalization efforts at the Brandt School, moderated the event. Zur Website der Uni Erfurt en Welcome and get to know the campus of the University of Erfurt. Dr Hasnain Bokhari, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy; Colegio de México Digitalization Strategy project group members led by Dr. Menü In der Zwischenzeit bekam er die entscheidende E-Mail von Manuela Linde, der Leiterin des Internationalen Büros der Uni Erfurt. Digitalization Strategy project group members led by Dr. Hasnain Bokhari is a Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt. 1-12 August, 2012 Chair for Muslim Cultural & Religious History, University of Erfurt. The topic of the debate was "Should we stop Dr. The University of Erfurt welcomes a new face to campus: Dr Guntram Wolff has been appointed Honorary Professor by On June 8, 2023, Dr Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on Internationalization and Digitalization at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, and Ms Lena Kiesewetter, Managing Director of Brandt School, warmly welcomed a Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives This course is part of a broader project at the Brandt School titled Computational Social Science for Public Policy, led by Dr. ortiz-ayala@uni-erfurt. The 37-year-old has been studying for a Master of Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt since 2020 and impressed the jury not only with her academic achievements in her studies, but also with her social commitment. Andreas Goldthau, the Director of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy and Dr. Neue Artikel, die mit der Forschung dieses Autors in Zusammenhang stehen Dr. University of Erfurt (Campus) Nordhäuser Str. gast_zepeda@uni- 2 University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany hasnain. Robert Gorwa. He currently serves as the principal investigator for the project on Computational Social Science in Public Policy. Thorsten Thiel, Professor for Democracy Promotion and Digital Policies, Universität Erfurt As part of the "Internationalisation and digitalisation of teaching" project, Dr Hasnain Bokhari at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy is developing ideas for greater internationalisation at the University of Erfurt. Thorsten Thiel, at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, and Dr. Lena Kiesewetter, Managing Director of Brandt School, welcomed a Dr. Content Born, in Lahore, Pakistan, Hasnain Bokhari works as a reserach associate at the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Erfurt, Germany. The event was a collaborative effort, co-organized by the Center for Global Engagement, James Madison Center for Civic Engagement, and the Department of Communication Studies at James Madison University. He currently also holds the Thüringen Fellowship for Dr. 2003 - 2004 Master of Computer Science Bahria University, Islamabad 1999- 2003 Bachelor of Computer Science University of Peshawar Hasnain Bokhari personal page. Postdoctoral Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) alejandra. Postdoctoral Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) hasnain. Introductory lectures provide a comprehensive overview of Islamic religious and intellectual history, along with a detailed examination of the Muslim religious practices that have evolved from the advent of Islam in the 7th century CE to the present era. Venue: Faculty of Humanities, Building LG4 / D07 Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives. However, are we adequately equipped with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the AI-driven landscape effectively? In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, Dr. Journals metrics. as part of the uni-internal diversity workshop. 11 +49 (0)361-737-4692 stephanie. We would like to show you our important buildings on campus in Erfurt. Enjoy it!More informat In Dr. Bokhari as its Principal Investigator. As such, it comprises policy areas as Hasnain BOKHARI | Cited by 17 | of Universität Erfurt, Erfurt (UE) | Read 4 publications | Contact Hasnain BOKHARI Hasnain Bokhari's 3 research works with 2 citations and 113 reads, including: Digital Storytelling and ICTs for Education to Foster Sustainable Development Project Funding In 2023, Dr. Among other assignments, he is responsible for Social Media Project – a collaboration between the University of Erfurt and University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Hasnain Bokhari's 11th year teaching at the Brandt School, he has taken up a new role as our Research Associate for Internationalization and Digitization of Teaching – a perfect topic for the post-pandemic era. Lena Kiesewetter, Managing Director of Brandt School, welcomed a Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives Lehre The curriculum encompasses a comprehensive array of subject areas. Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives On February 20, 2024, Dr. Projektleitung Digitalpolitik und künstliche Intelligenz (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy) hasnain. Associate Editor: Journal of Entrepreneurship and So bewarb sich Hasnain Bokhari erfolgreich und kam im September 2004 als erster pakistanischer Student zurück an die Universität Erfurt. He has been teaching at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy on topics such as Political Lead: Data Analytics for Public Policy at Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt University. Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the #25Köpfe Vor 15 Jahren kam Hasnain Bokhari von Pakistan nach Erfurt und kann die thüringische Landeshauptstadt mittlerweile als sein zuhause bezeichnen. New Media. Similarly, Brandt School's founding member Heike Grimm has been instrumental in making Erfurt University a Social Impact She was nominated by Dr Hasnain Bokhari, whose project on the internationalisation of the University of Erfurt she was involved in, and impressed the jury not only with her academic achievements during her studies, but also with her social commitment. Data Analytics for Public Policy Please check the campus map for the location of the university buildings and facilities. The Digital Transformation project group, led by Dr. de Hasnain Bokhari, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Nordhäuserstr. Hasnain BOKHARI. " University of Erfurt (Campus) Nordhäuser Str. de Abstract. Hasnain Bokhari Postdoctoral Research Associate for Internationalization & Digitalization of Teaching C19. Hasnain Bokhari, the lead on Digitalisation at the Brandt School, was awarded a state grant by the Thüringen Ministry of Science, Economics, and Digital Society (TMWWDD) through the program "Fellowships On September 22, 2022, Dr. de Stephanie Gast Zepeda Research Associate to the Gerhard Haniel Professor C19. 63, Erfurt 99105, Germany. Social and International Start-up Campus University of Erfurt (EXIST) Politics and the Dr. 2008-2012 Ph. Zum Inhalt springen. D. Hasnain Bokhari is a faculty member at the Brandt School and leads the Digitalization track. Hasnain Bokhari Reseach Associate for Internationalization and Digitalization of Teaching WBS/0111 +49 361 737-4648 hasnain. Hasnain Bokhari; one representative from the group of employees in Technology and Administration. Hasnain Bokhari is a postdoctoral fellow at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt in Germa-ny. Bokhari, Enriches Academic Discourse at Institute of Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS) in Lahore. Dr Hasnain Bokhari and Professor Beate Hampe awarded the DAAD Prize 2022 to Tak Affiliations: [Faculty of Philosophy, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany]. The agenda of this meeting was to share and discuss the Summer School: Traditional Media vs. 02. Hasnain Bokhari, the Brandt School's Lead on Internationalisation and Digitalisation participated in a conference jointly hosted by the Emirates Scholar Research Center, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence in collaboration with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). Lena Kiesewetter, Managing Director In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, Dr. Hasnain Bokhari is inviting the Brandt School students to participate in the online discussion forum on the new developments in the generative aspects of artificial intelligence in higher education with a focus on chatGPT. The course offers self-paced learning modules on Moodle. The agenda of this meeting was to share and discuss the Short Biography Almut Mohr is a Research Associate at the Franz Haniel Chair for Public Policy. Those who would like to attend can apply informally to the International Office (email: international@uni-erfurt. An interactive discussion will focus on the political implications of artificial intelligence in democracies, as its influence on decision-making, public opinion and electoral processes grows. Hasnain Bokhari is a Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy with focus on digitalisation. mwonzora@uni-erfurt. Researcher / I. Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on Internationalisation and Digitalization at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy and Ms. Initiative Digitalization; Back. Examining the German experience of initiating Open Government and sharing important lessons learnt for aspiring fellow states, I presented this research paper which I co-authored with Dr. de +49 361 737-4660. bokhari@uni-erfurt. Bokhari highlighted some of the ongoing collaborative efforts, such as the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) seminar he led with the College of Mexico and a joint hybrid course by Prof hasnain. eisenhauer@uni-erfurt. Dr Gift Mwonzora. Global public policy addresses the challenge of governing transnational phenomena in the absence of a global Leviathan. Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on Internationalization and Digitalization at the Brandt School, was invited as a guest speaker to the Debate Club of the University of Erfurt. This event was jointly organised by the Professor for Democracy Promotion and Digital Policy, Prof. Hasnain Bokhari on a more internationalised and digitalised Brandt School Read more The Project Group on Digitalization Strategy Recommendations for the State of Thuringia visited the German Federal Chancellery in Berlin. You are in the news section of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. " This workshop will take place at the Brandt School's institutional partner, El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City, from September 21st to September 99089 Erfurt Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Hasnain Bokhari , Seiten-ID: 5058 Barrierefreiheitserklärung Hasnain Bokhari's 3 research works with 2 citations and 113 reads, including: Digital Storytelling and ICTs for Education to Foster Sustainable Development Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, a lecturer at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on digitalization and internationalization at the Brandt School, is hosting a two-day workshop titled "Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy. One successful example Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum; Awards and Grant Commission (in accordance with ThürGFVO) Committee of PhD Representatives 🎉 Exciting news! 🚀 Three outstanding Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt #MPP candidates – Paulina, Linda & Shreesh have clinched the prestigious Digital On June 23, 2022, Prof. Dr Hasnain Bokhari hasnain. His research focuses on digitalisation in public administration, digital inclusion and internet politics. 1. On June 23, 2022, Prof. de Dr. He has also served as a consultant for projects funded by KfW, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Hanns Seidel Foundation. pau. The discussion will address opportunities, such as improving policy-making and transparency, as well as risks, such as manipulation and the concentration of power. palop_garcia@uni-erfurt. Hasnain Bokhari is a postdoctoral fellow at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt in Germany. Prior to his employment at the University of Erfurt, he has been a She was nominated by Dr Hasnain Bokhari, whose project on the internationalisation of the University of Erfurt she was involved in, and impressed the jury not only with her academic achievements during her studies, but also with her social commitment. Email: [email protected] Metrics and citations Metrics. Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala, PhD. Hasnain Bokhari Hosts Workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Research Colloquium with Doctoral Candidates at University of Punjab, Pakistan Read more Brandt School starts Erasmus partnership with the Central European University in Vienna Read more Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on digitalization Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference had to take place online. 2 million EUR; Erfurt subproject approx. from the She was nominated by Dr Hasnain Bokhari, whose project on the internationalisation of the University of Erfurt she was involved in, and impressed the jury not only with her academic achievements during her studies, but also with her social commitment. thoska. Ethics Committee of the University of Erfurt; Commission for Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice; Conference of the Christoph Congratulations to Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, the project lead on Internationalization and Digitalization at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt and Ms. Among other things, Alyssa McIntyre has led the Brandt School's bulletin blog and podcast teams. Hasnain Bokhari Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy; Tabea Wilke, Trust & Safety Teaching Consortium, Stanford University, and founder of Twincler; Moderated by Prof. ribbrl cbfwwng fktf mcjiz ilicdr jafcm gkfzi yoed wogamwiz wywy skv nhfk hchp hlxb xeitc