Dendar the night serpent 5e stats. OW, reportedly feeding on the dark dreams of early elves.
Dendar the night serpent 5e stats Expanded Spell List The Great Old One lets you choose Dendar, the Night Serpent was a powerful deity with a snake-like appearance. These priests perform sacrificial rites to appease their vile gods. 7 years ago. 2 days ago · Dendar, the Night Serpent. (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. The Night Serpent's slit-pupil eyes are the sickly yellow-black of rotten eggs. Dendar wants to kill you before you even get a chance to confront her, so that being said shes actually pretty squishy for a CR 25. The Yuan-ti pantheon is an interesting situation. I'm thinking about using Dendar, the Night Serpent as the GOO patron. This Age came to a sudden stop when the primordial known as the Dendar the Night Serpent took the sun out of the sky. If Ubtao Feb 25, 2025 · the Elf-Eater, Dendar the Night Serpent, Borem of the Lake of Boiling Mud, Kezef the Chaos Hound, Zargon the Returner, Camnod the Unseen, Holashner the Hunger Below, Piscaethces the Blood Queen. Tier: At least Low 6-B, likely High 6-A | At least 4-C. It is identified as a linnorm, a type of serpentlike dragon. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Storm King's Thunder. D&D 5e SRD; D&D 3. Summary of the Dendar Problem: Ubtao's primary purpose in Faerun is keeping Dendar the Night Serpent imprisoned under the Peaks of Flames since -35000 DR (36,490 years ago) and fight it if it ever breaks from its prison so it doesn't eat the sun and destroy the world. A few formatting notes: The saving throw and skill bonuses are a bit off the mark. It's really cool and it has some awesome abilities. 5E Volo's Guide to Monsters also 4 days ago · A priest of Ghaunadaur wearing his church's ceremonial garb. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. This led to Fenthaza planning a coup to end Ras Nsi's rule. Door handles inside a snake's mouth. Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in any way they Keeping with the theme of Dendar (the world-devouring night serpent)Darkness & the serpent's mouth should be a consistent motif. As we all know, the Fugue Plane hangs 2 days ago · His statistics are the same in each form. [6][7] Some believe the World Serpent was one of the enigmatic primal spirits. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. She was some 300 feet long with blue Great Old Ones d6 Form 1 Cthulhu 2 Tharizdun, the Chained God 3 Dendar, the Night Serpent 4 Ghaunadaur 5 Zargon, the Returner 6 That Which Lurks. Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit: Death, Nature, Tempest. Crush (Ex): As a standard action, Dendar can jump, roll, or slither onto her opponents, using her whole body to crush them: She can crush creatures of Large size or smaller, up to as many as will fit under her gigantic body. It is called Corpse-Tearer, the Dread Biter, and Dragon of the Underworld. If Ubtao 2 days ago · The Night Parade was a group of bizarre, nightmarish creatures that established small colonies in major cities across Faerûn. Their power could rival, or even surpass, that of demigods, such that they could destroy an entire world. princesses included — obey Uthor’s commands when it comes to military matters. [1] Ras Nsi plotted to bring Dendar back to Omu from this secret dungeon. Dendar's followers say that one day she will grow so large from feasting on the fears and nightmares of the world that she will devour it whole. Yuan-ti malisons who become priestly devotees of a particular god- be it Sseth, Dendar the Night Serpent, or Merrshaulk-often rise through the ranks to become spiritual leaders among the serpent folk. A few deities are described as a god of fear, or have fear as one of the elements in their portfolio. She was some 300 feet long with blue Nov 20, 2024 · Dendar the Night Serpent is a monstrous snake who was born when something had a dream for the first time in Forgotten Realms. The party took Saja's quest to kill Ras Nsi before he "brings about the end of the world," which Dendar is obviously not happy about. Beings that are powerful enough to forge this connection include Dendar, the Night Serpent, Jormungander, the World Serpent, Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit, Quetzalcóatl, Sseth, the Sibilant Death, Yig, Father of Serpents, and several forgotten The general plot was that Mephistopheles was trying to free the semi-god Dendar the Night Serpent, so that Dendar could devour the Sun and freeze the material plane, and then Mephistopheles would convert the material plane into the newly frozen 10th Level of Hell. Jan 24, 2018 · Dendar the Night Serpent has a sweet bachelor pad in the Fugue Plane – where she spends most her time despite having the sick ability to slither across the planes as she so pleases. Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage Creature into Creature: If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose whose Challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's (or its level, if the target doesn't have a Challenge rating). On each of its turns, the spy can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. She eventually clashed with the Silmarilus and was banished into the Abyss. Which is why I was suggesting going for Warlock. Dendar the Night Serpent, or Merrshaulk-often rise through the ranks to become spiritual Sep 11, 2024 · Dendar was a colossal serpent who spent her time devouring the nightmares and fears of both mortals and immortals in hopes of bringing about the end of the world. Some of the original lore for Dendar the Night Serpent is also in the back of Powers Yuan-ti malisons who become priestly devotees of a particular god- be it Sseth, Dendar the Night Serpent, or Merrshaulk-often rise through the ranks to become spiritual leaders among the serpent folk. Sadly the Second Sundering has not restored Mezro, it is still described as a ruined city haunted by the undead. Fenthaza belonged to a cult of yuan-ti that had founded the Fane of the Night Serpent, a temple hidden beneath the palace of Omu. ) would be less powerful than true gods but of roughly equal power to the strongest demon lords, archdevils, Great Old Ones, and minor deities. These mystics worship Dendar the Night Serpent (see the yuan-ti entry in the Monster Manual for more information on this deity). Legends tell of how Ubtao, Creator of Chult, will battle the Night Serpent when she emerges through a gigantic iron door located beneath one of the Peaks of Flame and attempts to eat the sun. I guess I was looking for something less combat orientated, the character was NE and I'd styled him as preying on the occasional villager, not killing or outwardly harming, just putting them into a deeper sleep with tormented dreams. [3] Ao created the multiverse from the raw material of the Phlogiston, and within the sphere several worlds drifted upon the Sea of 2 days ago · Elder evils were ancient, powerful, and generally evil beings or entities. Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in any Dendar, the Night Serpent was a powerful deity with a snake-like appearance. The player will be confused even if it is not confusing, it is a problem but we With almost no HP, the Dragonborn Fighter was able to summon the strength to pull the crown from the key slot, trapping Dendar once again and returning the world to order. Nightmare speakers are yuan-ti malison priests who make a pact with the Dendar the Night Serpent to feed their deity the Sep 29, 2023 · Dendar - Free download as PDF File (. From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki. She grows stronger by eating nightmares and is said to be destined to destroy the entire setting when she has collected enough. In our next session the party will encounter the yuan-ti of the serpent hills, and it got me thinking. It's said Dendar first appeared in a yuan-ti ruler's nightmare where he saw her consume all of Toril. Getting Started; Community Favorites; Help Wanted Pages; 5 days ago · In Calimport, she is known (incorrectly) as the Mother of the Night Parade. Eventually, the Elder Gods won the fight when the primordials were betrayed by one of their own: Ubtao the Deceiver. What's she doing/why would the PCs be actively opposing her? One option is that she's actually Dendar (den-DAR) – Dendar the Night Serpent is another primordial and an elder evil since the birth of the world. Almost two full pages. Stats: (4d6 drop lowest, reroll of total is below 75) Ability Feb 13, 2011 · How would you go about that? Maybe as part of the campaign, the PCs could race a powerful warlock or something for a very powerful artifact (maybe a special Gate scroll is required to bring her physically into the world) or something, but many questions remain. Learn all about Primordials in DnD 5e including lore, tactics, stats, and DESCRIPTION. Creatures crushed by the Night Serpent take 4d8+28 points of bludgeoning damage and must attempt a DC 45 Reflex save. I'm trying to come up with a way that the Warlock came into a pact with Dendar. Name: Dendar Origin: Dungeons and Dragons. get PDF. She is a giant and tyrannical extraplanar serpent that feeds upon the forgotten nightmares of mortals. As high priest of Dendar, Fenthaza performed the ritual to transform Ras Nsi into a yuan-ti malison, though she later began doubting his role as cult leader. Supposedly, she will be the harbinger of the end of the world, the gods, and the entire crystal sphere of Realmspace. 1. txt) or read online for free. She came into existence shortly after the first being slept in Realmspace and had a nightmare. Dendar the Night Serpent, or Merrshaulk-often rise through the ranks to become The character is a Tabaxi. Gender: Female Age: Existed Feb 23, 2025 · Dendar, the Night Serpent. One of my players is a warlock of Dendar, the night serpent. Yuan-ti priests use the pool to commune with Dendar the Night Serpent. The remaining party members did make the check to recognize that Ras Nsi was being affected by the Soulmonger’s curse. A creature of literal nightmares, Dendar is a sleeping goddess who is powered by fear and night terrors, and once she has amassed enough power she will one day awaken to swallow the sun and then annihilate the world, presumably replacing it with one in which the Yuan-ti are kings again, or gods themselves. One of the clerics mouthed off and was dragged into the cathedral to be sacrificed to Dendar the Night Serpent. Failure means the creature is pinned beneath her body, Dendar the Night Serpent is a character in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Hope it helps! Dendar the Night Serpent is a fictional character in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. It doesn't change form if it dies. The Bard/Paladin joined Ubtoa in is holy city, the Fighter become Captain of the Waterdeep City Watch, the Druid retired in the Beastlands, and the Ranger traveled the lands Learn all about Primordials in DnD 5e including lore, tactics, stats, and DM tips. Failure means that the creature is pinned beneath her body, automatically taking crush damage each round the Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in any way they can, growing and nurturing the fears of humanoids to feed the Night Serpent. If it dies, it stays in its current form. She feeds off nightmares and fears and is prophesized to bring about the Feb 18, 2025 · Dendar the Night Serpent is a vile elder evil as old as the world itself. source 2 days ago · Its statistics are the same in each form. Yuan-Ti are immune to poison anyways. [1][3] Kezef appeared as a huge mastiff that was little more than sinew and jet-black Dendar, the Night Serpent. Jump to: navigation, search. Archived post. Creatures crushed by the Night Serpent take 4d8+28 points of bludgeoning damage and must attempt a DC 45 Reflex save. In third edition Dendar is Source: Champions of Ruin. It would probably be fitting that the Tabaxi has origins in Chult, and that is where a temple to Dendar is located. Jun 30, 2021 · Under the ruined palace of Omu lies a yuan-ti temple dedicated to an apocalyptic god known as Dendar the Night Serpent. History. 5e Homebrew; Published Material. I Source: Champions of Ruin. [2] Start a Wiki May 27, 2021 · A few have fear in their portfolio. The most ancient elemental creatures dominate a large portion of 5e lore. Dendar the Night Serpent is a gargantuan, neutral evil monstrosity that dwells in a vast cave, devouring mortals' nightmares. These priests perform sacrificial rites The World Serpent was an ancient, enigmatic entity worshiped by the sarrukh during the Days of Thunder. Patrons in the Realms. There is a complete breakdown of Sseth and his goals. What is the Yuan-ti's opinion on Dendar? Do they worship her or is she hated? New DnD 5e Surprise Rules in 2024 PHB During the Blue Age, when Toril was still a new world, the gods and the primordials fought for dominance. Dendar, the Night Serpent Borem of the Lake of Boiling Mud Kezef, the Chaos Hound Zargon, the Returner Carmnod, the Unseen Holashner, the Hunger Below Piscaethces, the the Blood Queen Hhothotugg, the Eater of Worlds Y'chak, the Violet Flame Bolothamogg, Who Watches from Beyond the Stars Hargut, of the Gray Pestilence Haask, the Voice of Hargut Name: Dendar The Night Serpent, Nidhogg Origin: Forgotten Realms [D&D] Gender: Female Classification: Elder evil, Primordial Age: Unknown, came into existance when a sentient being had the first nightmare Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical traits, immortality (type 4, more of an abstarct being), regeneration (Mid-low, if killed she reforms after some time), enhanced 5e You have made a pact with a powerful serpentine being capable of great destruction and misery. Power and Stats. Vara of the World of Greyhawk (The Scarlet Brotherhood p. In the Jungles of Chult, Dendar is known as the Eater of the World. I think I'm Cunning Action. 5e SRD; 3. pdf), Text File (. She was some 300 feet long with blue-black scales, yellow eyes, and a huge maw filled with four fangs, spittle, and the bones of some of her former victims. Types of Cultists. Every time a creature experienced fear, the bindings restraining the primordial serpent were loosened, and the End drew closer. She has, for the eternity of the multiverse, 4 days ago · The primordials, or Dawn Titans,[1] were god-like beings made of manifest entropy and elemental energy[2] whose domains were the Elemental Chaos and Abeir,[3] unlike the gods (Estelar),[1] whose domains were the Astral Sea and Toril. Dendar, The Night Serpent Dendar was a colossal serpent who spent her time devouring the nightmares and fears of both mortals and immortals in hopes of bringing about the end of the world. The Father of the Jan 7, 2025 · In Calimport, she is known (incorrectly) as the Mother of the Night Parade. So Dendar gets her fullest write up in 3e Champions of Ruin, but also in 2E Powers and Pantheons (which also has quite a bit on Ubtao and Sseth that should be of interest). Entities like Dendar the Night Serpent and other similar creatures (Fenris Wolf, etc. They don’t carry longbows. Magic Resistance. Creatures crushed by the Night Serpent take 4d8+28 points of bludgeoning damage and must attempt a DC 45 reflex save. This Age came to a sudden stop when the primordial known as the Dendar the Dendar the Night Serpent is a monstrous snake who was born when something had a dream for the first time in Forgotten Realms. , called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings. Description []. They are loyal to Fenthaza and), minor illusion, and poison spray. There are only 5 cr 30 monsters released in official publications (as of yet, I suspect Vecna will get a new cr 30 statblock for his godform when we see him in May) and of those 5, 4 of them are physical manifestations of gods (Aspects of Bahamut and Tiamat in FTD, Tiamat in ROT/TOD, the tarrasque, and a statblock for Dendar the Night . Lots of serpent head motifs - gas breathing ones, biting venom-fanged ones, dissonant whisper magic-gazed ones. Dendar, the Night Serpent. 41), Touv goddess of nightmares and fear; Bane of the Forgotten Realms (Faiths and Pantheons p. The target's game Statistics, including mental Ability Scores, are replaced by the Statistics of the new form. Oct 14, 2017 · The 5e Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is also thin in terms of information regarding Chult. The church of Ghaunadaur consisted of cults scattered throughout the Underdark, each dominated by a single individual. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. Everything is just flat capped at cr 30. The Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker is a terrifying creature that serves the evil god Dendar, the Night Serpent. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online. Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in any way they Its statistics are the same in each form. There were only a few drow and aboleth cities that served as exceptions, with a more organized clergy. Clerics of Ghaunadaur were required to serve the Elder Eye completely and May 22, 2024 · In Calimport, she is known (incorrectly) as the Mother of the Night Parade. Because of that, it was believed that some of the ancient deities of Vital statistics Titles: Creator of Chult, Founder of Mezro, Father of the Dinosaurs Deity Power: Greater Deity Home Plane: House of Nature Symbol: Maze Alignment: Neutral Long ago, Ubtao agreed to stand guard over the Peaks Dendar, the Night Serpent. She was strongly present in yuan-ti religion, and also appeared in Silmaen mythology, as well as other religions. Mar 1, 2022 · Dendar the Night Serpent is a character in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Merrshaulk is the long slumbering chief deity of the yuan-ti. Three priests named Arakiti, Kultha, and Nyss are here at all times. [1] Three beings described as "Elder Eternal Feb 23, 2025 · Dendar, the Night Serpent. [8] It was believed by some scholars that the World Serpent was an archetype of a complex concept: that of the multiplicity of being. Warlock Patrons in the 5e Player’s Handbook. She takes pleasure 2 days ago · Ubtao (pronounced: /uː bˈt eɪ oʊ/ oob-TAY-oh) was the patron deity of the isolated region of Chult and indeed the Creator of Chult and Founder of Mezro. Locked away until the end approached, Dendar was imprisoned in the Realm of Nightmares. During the Blue Age, when Toril was still a new world, the gods and the primordials fought for dominance. There’s also a prophecy about Ubtao’s duty to fight Dendar when she comes to munch on the sun: “Ubtao made an agreement with the rest of the Faerûnian pantheon to guard the Peaks of Flame for the day when Dendar the Night Serpent enters Toril and ends the world. 14), god of tyranny, hatred and fear; The Dark Six of Eberron (Faiths of Sep 14, 2017 · Dendar the Night Serpent: Death, Trickery. It should be noted, however, that Dendar the Night Serpent is an Elder Evil, not the kind that empower Clerics. She is a giant and tyrannical extraplanar Hello! If you are familiar with 3. She is a half-blooded yuan-ti, also known as a malison, with a humanoid head and upper body and a serpentine Kezef, called the Chaos Hound and the Ravager of Heavens, and sometime referred to as Kesef,[2] was one of the three Elder Eternal Evils of Faerûn. Ras Nsi and his new yuan-ti followers began searching for a way to bring forth 2 days ago · Its statistics are the same in each form. Iymrith. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Monster Manual. That sounds neat, and it is looking like I'll need to discuss options for the character with the DM to see what they're amenable to. Denizens. He doesn't change form if he dies. Then there are AL adventures that cover the release of Dendar the Night Serpent, and presumably how the end of the world is averted. According to Sarrukh legend, the Ouroboros, the World 2 days ago · Nidhogg, also spelled Nidhug, Nidhoggr or Niðhoggr, is a massive unique dragon who gnaws at the root of the world tree Yggdrasil. In third edition Dendar is CR 26. Sseth: Nature, Trickery, War. SPOILER. With most life on Abeir-Toril dead from the loss of heat and light, there was less for the gods and primordials to fight over in their constant battle for the system, but the fighting raged on regardless. 2 days ago · History []. The temple was originally part of the palace, 4 days ago · The Fane of the Night Serpent was a temple to Dendar the Night Serpent below Omu in Chult. I'm at nearly half my starting sanity (started at 50, down to 29 currently) and I'm finding it tricky to figure out how to roleplay with diminished Let’s look at all of your options in 5e with today’s feature: Warlock Patrons in D&D 5e! Table of Contents. Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit. Dendar first appeared in 66'034 b. If Ubtao 5 days ago · Dendar the Night Serpent is one of the elder, eternal evils of the Outer Planes created in the dawn of Abeir-Toril's prehistory. Yuan-Ti The Peaks of Flame were a range of volcanic mountains in the center of Chult, said to be the point of entry of Dendar the Night Serpent when she will enter Toril at the end of the world. Warlock Patron: The Edit: For anyone else looking for this kind of information, I highly recommend the 3e book Serpent Kingdoms. OW, reportedly feeding on the dark dreams of early elves. Some might be powerful enough to take on a mid-range deity, but these would be extremely rare. If you read the Warlock Pact description for Great Old One, it includes Dendar as an explicit example. Aria, Clio, Cortez/Angelica, Duncan, Ulfyr, and Venali--stop reading now! I'm running Tomb of Annihilation (spoilers ahead), and the GOO warlock really pissed off her patron (Dendar the Night Serpent patron--but she doesn't know that yet) last session. [1] The Peaks of Flame contained three active So, background- playing a level 7 tiefling warlock (former librarian), patron is Dendar the Night Serpent (lots of bad dreams), Pact of the Tome, and my DM set up sanity checks and stats for me. [2] The Night Parade on Toril was divided into cells, or "nests", the size of which could vary from a few 4 days ago · Dendar is a primordial serpent that according to legend, came into existence as soon as the first being slept and had a nightmare. Redirect to: D&D 5e Homebrew; D&D 4e Homebrew; D&D 3. Key: Standard Form | Shadow Epoch Form. 3E Serpent Kingdoms talks in greater detail about Dendar, Sseth, and the Peaks of Flame (a pretty darn good source that I think the 5E folks may have forgotten about). If her proficiency bonus is +8, go through and make that uniform. . Redirect page. Which bites. ” So when Dendar shows up to eat the sun, Ubtao returns to fight her. His visions scared him so Updated. 5 there is a statblock for Dendar in Champions of Ruin and you can convert it. Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in Dendar the Night Serpent. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She is a giant and tyrannical extraplanar As for statistics of this, I’m borrowing the Trammel idea from Critical Role C1; Vecna fight but slightly modified. Yuan-ti that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in 4 days ago · The Shadow Epoch stemmed from the fall of the Blue Age, when Dendar the Night Serpent devoured the sun[1]. 3 days ago · Dendar the Night Serpent is worshipped as the greater god of darkness and nightmares. She roams the Fugue Plane, devouring the nightmares of the living and looking forward to the day when she has collected enough of the fears of humankind to initiate the end of the world. 5e OGL Content; Community. Nidhogg's unique strengths and godlike stature make it one of the most feared examples of that species Aug 31, 2020 · Dendar, the Night Serpent was deemed to be the end of existence. They're "gods", but sort of in the realm of pretender gods. CR 24-30. robaaftzjwqtnqbkwncpjlwcpznhaakpntrgxeirtajvmyzciwahgzkooatqqmujzkdfpaokmk