Angina in 20s reddit On 9/1/20 I started having severe chest pain which would shoot up into my throat. Reddit . Other Names: Prinzmetal angina; Variant angina; Angina inversa; See More Summary. I don't think you even can have done enough damage yet. Should have done that sooner! My 20s were a little too hard, but I lived a million lives and gained a ton of life experience. "Typical" angina, by contrast, is often triggered by physical exertion or emotional stress. I looked into the meds and it treats angina. But yes, living with angina means taking your nitro is a part of your life now. But if it's angina due to ischemia then it could come and go and still be a heart-related. Your parents and how they raised you will be how you see the world and how you navigate it. I never had a heart attack. Talk to one as it never hurts to voice your concerns to a doctor but after that you need to look at the real issue and that is anxiety. First stent was for 100% blockage, 2nd was for 60% blockage. He felt a bit of angina while walking and it No idea what it is and I tried to research but was unsuccessful. Those are few and far between 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. I am a Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. Anxiety is a diagnosis of exclusion for me too. Yo female Archived post. I just got out of the hospital with an official diagnosis of Afib, absolutely terrified. I would focus on back stretches the most. Hi, 19m I've been experiencing chest and neck pain for the last two months. A heart attack would not present as chest pain that happens only during a hiccup and then goes away, with no other symptoms. On the wedding night the man goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When it passes, it's like nothing ever happened, but when it's happening it feels like I can't even stand, I need to sit down and breathe through the pain. I’m confirmed that what I’ve isn’t anxiety,however,not a day in my life that I feel I’m gonna have a heart attack the way I feel for the past month give or take But ye my symptoms are constant 24/7 chest pain with a burning pain and I get this strange pain under my left nipple to the left I think it's the rib pain thing you mensioned feels like a cramping squeezing pain and I get burning in my left shoulder blade like you do and it tingles at the same time I also get a lot of heart palpitations Chest pain when breathing, high heart rate, pain in left arm, fever, some vomiting and upset stomach. My friends convinced me it Heart failure occurs when the heart is not pumping well enough to supply the body with blood. Hello u/Lonelymasks, . In fact we have put stents in people in their 20s. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Lasted ~36 hours. Exercise does not need to be painful to work, it actually should not be painful. Pcp cleared me and ruled out any “serious conditions. So I I suffered from unexplained chest pain for years, i did all the kind of tests and blood works , sleep study , everything comes normal i even removed my tonsils fixed my deviated nose still nothing so i gave up! Years past i started getting panic attacks and sever insomnia i feel like something is wrong with me and im gonna die in my sleep and I While /r/asktransgender and other trans groups are great, some of us have families, partners, careers, and all the other trappings of not being in our 20s any more. Are there people here who work in the medical field and who have seen more young people in recent years? and 40s. Had anxiety attack 2 wednesdays ago, and earlier. It only lasts about 15 to 20 mins and then I can drink as much as I want and not be affected by it. At the age of 17, I found out that I had PVC's (palpatations) in my heart. Your 20s is the first decade that everyone experience adulthood, and it's specifically reflective of your upbringing and your parents. Heart attack symptoms can be A young person can develop angina in their 20s or 30s, but it is quite rare. ListenPrinzmetal's variant angina (PVA) is characterized by recurrent episodes of chest pain that usually occur when a person is at rest, between midnight and early morning. I'm gonna pass every chest pain off as this in the future until the one time it is a actually a heart attack then I'm fucked Instead of going on Reddit to post a DAE, maybe you should reprioritize and go to your doctor. To be able to fucking breath again you will require the following I spent my 20s trying to drink away undiagnosed neurodivergence. Even if you have it , docs don t usually treat it , because all the drugs for it lower blood pressure a lot and if you are young and have a normal blood pressure , the hypotension could do more harm than good. Physician Responded 20. It is often because an attack and heartburn pain might feel similar. Sent home 12/2/23 but had to be readmitted in under 24 hours b/c of chest pain which meant another stent put in 12/3/23. This was not normal chest pain, and I am usually pretty in tune with my body; The only way I could explain this was that the pain was coming directly from my heart. Drs assumed too much in my request for heart check ups. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or After not reacting well to Methylphenidate (High BP, high HR, no positive effects), I have been prescribed Vyvanse 20 mg. panic attacks / anxiety in general make us breathe from our chest, which causes tension and muscle pain. What I am hoping to achieve is the ability to distinguish an anxiety attack from an ischemic attack. Have an upvote. He hasn't had any weird chest pain since then until today. Stressing yourself out about the possibility is not as useful as being informed. I have a deep chest pain and back pain right in the middle of my chest as soon as I start drinking, like 10 mins after my first drink or so. Shit was the worst chest pain ever. For example stressful or anxiety. My boyfriend and myself lost nearly 200lbs combined by simply walking and changing our eating habits. But it's life and death here. As scary as that was, my cardiologists reassured me that it was very common at my age, especially in Is chest pain after straining ALWAYS angina? cdnth 06-23-2016 03:15 PM by JohnR41 1: 2,856 : Angina meds for people with low bp. I havnt even thought about stroke possibility till i came on reddit but i feel like i have had one of those too now. Sometimes you have to wait, and not let it upset you. You could go from stable to unstable angina, but Typically you won’t go from unstable to stable angina because the cause - coronary disease is likely to get worse if untreated, not better. it feels Thursday sharp chest pain, lower right side & near shoulder on and off while inhaling. Thought with exertion pain intensity may go higher with neg cardiac markers. Chest pain is likely a symptom of non-cardiac causes since pain from cardiac conditions isn't usually in the heart area. Had chest pain, I would describe as like a 5-10 pound dumbbell on my sternum for months until I got the Moderna vaccine, after the 1st vaccine, I felt slight improvements in the chest pain/brain fog symptoms and then the second dose started feeling A-LOT better angina by itself is not dangerous, but it is painful what is dangerous about it, is that it is associated with serious conditions, such as heart attack and stroke therefore, make sure that you see a physician to properly assess your condition Unfortunately though, it wasn't all in my head and my symptoms kept getting worse. It’s a symptom but often considered a condition as well. I was not exercising or doing anything strenuous at the time, so I knew that it was strange. Edit: the doctor at the heart institute thinks he sees something in the 20 year old with Angina The story starts 9 months ago I’m after I took coke for the first time and experienced palpitations for about a week and a half after taking it. Probably overdid it a bit Was experiencing some chest pain in my left side when breathing deep after I got back to the house. Apparently, my valves also decided to spasm at the same time and so my heart didn't receive enough oxygen. In their 20s or 30s, a young person may suffer from angina. If they're presenting with any kind of chest pain they'll get the cardiac workup. In a 25 year old with chest pain, brought on by exercise, relieved by rest (I. A heart attack patient is a person, not an EKG. 3 years later I had 4 more episodes with the first 3 only lasting 10 minutes before going back to sinus rhythm on its own but this most Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. Symptoms present with searing back pain, hot chest pain, tight and pressurized chest pain on both sides, radiates down both arms, weakness in both hands, shoulder and neck pain, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue. I'm ashamed of this, but my former habit of excessive drinking made it difficult to "perform. I'm not so young but look healthy, athletic and lift weights. I thought the exact same way as you (heart attack). I still have horrible symptoms almost daily (chest pain, palpitations, body tremors, dizziness). I was/still am experiencing : rib pain, chest pain, stomach pain, sore throat, nightly cough/phlegm, reflux (severe at night or after eating literally anything), constant bitter taste in Unstable angina is when EKG is normal and there are no troponins. You're supposed to have been relaxed for some time, simply standing up and walking a few feet can increase your blood pressure so driving to Walmart, walking in, walking to the machine and sitting down is going to give an inaccurate reading unless you sit there for tens of minutes and relax first. Cough and mucus are both gone, fatigue is improving, can breathe better. I'm 5'10, 190 lbs. It's a disingenuous way to phrase a finding like that, considering the risk of stroke is almost certainly not 25% between the ages of 20-29, for example, or 10-15% prior to covid. According to a 2014 review that looked at 20 years of data in Sweden, about 1% of the total hospitalizations for heart failure occurred in people between the ages of 18–44 years. I didn’t know what angina was until I was prescribed the meds. First of all, I wanted to rule out any heart problems, so I did three ECG tests two normal ones and one with stress all of which turned out fine. Also, do a "bit" of exerciser. Now that the chest pain is pretty much Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. *Monday, temperature rising. Also referred to as Prinzmetal’s Angina, Variant Angina is the third and therefore the rarest type. Doing invasive testing and treating those asymptomatic 20-30% lesions will cause more harm that good. losst_light. It is extremely unlikely that a 20 y/o has lung cancer as others have said. ADMIN MOD Tips to reduce pre exam angina . No other symptoms. true. Taking in NSAIDs may help, but don't overdo it less you overdose. unstable angina is chest pain when resting or not relieved with rest/medications - more urgent. Pleuritic Chest Pain - This means the pleura of your lungs is inflamed due to vaping. But don't eat only fatty things. The definition of angina), serious underlying structural heart disease or Tldr: I thought I was having a heart attack and almost didn't go, and I was. Can You Develop Angina in Your 20s? Although Angina is commonly seen in middle-aged to older male patients, it can be a condition anyone, regardless of age or sex, can get. Angina pectoris is the chest pain that occurs from coronary heart disease (easy and quick explanation). The pain you're describing could be caused by many conditions, Serious and benign ones. I'm 24 years old, a little overweight and lack of exercise, recently my left chest feels pain located just below the left breast, the pain is like a pulsation/throbbing, there is a pause of 1 or 2 seconds, for about 20 to 40 minutes, it happens every day and can even be 2 times a day. The paramedics did 2 ECG’s saying there was a “a few iffy bits” on both, they told me I probably have prinzmetal angina and gave me a glyceryl trinitrate spray under my tongue which seemed to relieve the pain. She’s 6 years old and was diagnosed with a pneumonia. I have never experienced chest pain like this before. Angina comes about due to a reduction of blood flow being able to get to muscles in the heart. This is exactly how I’m feeling! I was saying to a friend only yesterday I feel like I want to go admit myself into a psych ward over it! I’m freaking out especially cause everywhere is telling me anxiety chest pain is more of a sharp or stabbing pain that stays in one spot where as mine is a heavy/pressure that comes with emotional stress and being active. Hi everyone, I hope this is the right place to post this! Angina is a medical term describing a specific type of chest pain, that being caused by inadequate blood supply to the myocardium. Or check it out in the app stores It gets worse because of how costo is used by doctors as a catchall for really any unexplained chest pain with absence of any heart problems. Top posts of August 20, 2021. Im 20 years old female, 52kg and I've had some chest pain for years coming back, at first i thought its normal because parents thought i was being dramatic but i never understood them not believing and never visited doctor. . 3. I was taught to pronounce it as AN-GEYE-NAH (kinda like vagina), but everyone I work with says AN-GIN-NAH and always gives me a Hi so 22F here that’s just started taking collagen capsules (contains types I, II,III, V, X) along with my daily multivitamin. I may go to Wal-Mart or something and take my BP there too Your reading will be high. You could clog up your arteries even without gaining weight. Additionally doing some light yoga or stretching will probably help your chest pain. Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. Stable angina = typical pain comes and goes Unstable angina = one day the typical chest pain of stable angina will be constant, and is not relieved by rest. It’s typically a transient pain which is most often caused by partial occlusions of the coronary vessels because of artherosclerotic plaques. You can use risk stratification based on various risk factors. Still waited over 12 hours before calling a nurse line first to tell them "yeah been having bad chest pain for 12 hours, but nothing else yet", only to go to the ER, have them freak out, check my heart, then sit for 5 hours or so in pain until I Chest pain, characterised as pressure, squeezing, burning, or fullness, is the most common symptom of angina. The woman quickly takes all of her clothes off and gets into bed pulling the sheet up just under her breasts. A part of it was damaged but it's almost insignificant at this point. Not sure why they didn't just do all 3 at once the first time. Day 20 Amlodipine 5mg/labetalol 150mg 2x/day upvotes Chest pain sharp like center of chest, chest pressure that spreads into back, short of breath sometimes, tachycardia, a run of 190bpm in sleep, strangling feeling after standing, blood pooling in hands and feet, dizziness. Went to the cardiologist who ran some tests (echo, ECG) and said everything looked fine. All of the sudden, I started feeling incredible pain, cardiac in origin. But I'm still scared because I read on the internet that an EKG can't always determine a problem with the heart and that a person can have a normal EKG and a heart problem. 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. This year it finally stopped bothering me so much, I’ve had an intensive cardiac work up. Most ischemic chest pain is a dull tightness/pressure that would not change during a hiccup. This persisted for a couple of days until I called a non-emergency medical number who then called an ambulance for me. Alot of people have a great experience in their 20s due to their parents, some of us don'talso due to our parents. The most important two things I’ve learned In my 20s (I’m 29) Just because something doesn’t workout, doesn’t mean it won’t ever work out in the future. I have low level (1-2) angina 24/ some good advice i’ve heard is to try breathing from your stomach, deep and slow, when you feel this chest pain (this can also help with dizzyness, as well as drinking water in between breaths so more oxygen gets to your brain). Like you, I went to the ER due to chest pain and was discharged 8. GP doctors will only know wtf you're talking about/ be willing to help you if you suggest you think you have esophagitis and will likely never suggest it if you only complain of chest pain/breathlessness this is because GP's are useless shits. You gotta flow. The chest pain gave me massive anxiety. reReddit: Top posts of August 2021. I usually drink vodka. Prinzmetal's variant angina. Coronary heart disease is most common in older men, usually with a lifestyle involving lots of alcohol, nicotine, fatty food, little to no exercise Richard and Asher would be the perfect demographic for this disease. I remember reading somewhere that collagen production starts slowing down in your 20s which contributes to wrinkles and sagging skin so i’d figured i start taking these capsules as a preventative measure. Most scientific research on heart failure focuses on older adults. Angina could be from other causes, like spasm. You don't want to be gambling with this, especially as you mention you have family history of heart attacks and you're approaching the age that they had them (still a decade off but it can happen to anyone from their mid-20s) Also as is always the case, get your medical advice from a doctor and not reddit. NSTEMI = pain as above with positive cardiac markers. Unstable angina is an early sign of potential impending doom (new/worse chest pain) but has not yet lead to enzyme release. View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. Heart pain from angina is entirely different and you would be gasping for breath, unable to even type your post as the pain you feel stabs you with each heart beat to the point where So my husband had 2 stents placed in his LAD in late 2019 after he failed a stress test and had been having angina that would not go away while walking. Most people develop chest pain from poor posture and strengthening your back and shoulder muscles can help a ton. Finally quit at 31 and started going to a psychiatrist. Try to aim for 30 minutes of cardio 5x per week. There are many other causes of This happens to me! I'm half Chinese, and I can't drink any Smirnoff, twisted tea, or even a fruity drink without getting this chest pain for 15-20 mins. A heart attack can look like a lot of harmless things and doesn't necessarily involve chest pain. *Sunday, slight temperature. I still feel occasional chest pain but not so bad. If you have a stable 70-90% blockage, it is something that has grown slowly and causes angina or chest pain during exertion. Chest pain or even a numb chest feeling can be caused by other things too. Also I have no chest pain or back pain unless I am drinking. I’m scared that it might not be normal since most of my pneumonia symptoms I’ve had were gone. Variant Angina. Here's somewhere to talk about these things and the issues we face in Note: Unstable Angina is typically the sign of a possible attack. I got out of the bad relationship that was pretty much the source of all stress in my life at the time, cut way back on my drinking (I had been drinking 4-6 days a week), also cut back on the smoking and shitty eating habits that went hand in hand with my drinking. This chest pain only started last night. You read everywhere that angina is pain/pressure/burning in your chest, sweating, lightheadedness, etc, but these are also the same symptoms as anxiety. but the majority of patients by far are older. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that all adults Chest pain can be a lot of things, many of them harmless. The man comes out of the bathroom and is a little surprised at the sight. Yeah, but anything under 55 is a fairly broad age range. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. While doctors generally consider the condition to be serious and not curable, a person can ofte The following article examines heart failure in young adults in their 20s. Heart beating faster after eating is totally normal. The old woman says "I just want you to know that I have acute angina". 521 votes, 321 comments. 1)12-lead. Recently had angina found out Ive likely had a 100% block of the LAD for years and 90% of the RCA. There are different ways to approach NSTEMI and unstable angina. I'm having pain in my right chest, right arm (lower arm) it hurts when i breathe deeper but it didn't hurt when i'm breathing normally and i'm not in difficulty with breathing and i'm not sweating or something, i don't feel nausea and when i lay down my right side is pretty hurt (minimal) when i position on right side it hurts but when i position in left side, Im in mid 20 and I started having these this year. Other heart diseases that you can observe in their 20s include aortic stenosis [12 I have been taking the medicine and it helps to take away the pain and discomfort, sometimes totally. Moreover there is a huge difference between heart and chest pain. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS I get daily headaches, chest pain, anxiety, and sometimes I would get tingling sensations in different parts of my body when my bp was really high. Yes I know I’m overweight but I have been my entire life and never experienced this. (This was before my weightloss surgery). I still have one more blockage at 60%. While Vyvanse actually had a slight positive effect, I got chest pain (Anginga) from it and breathing felt weird at times. ER cleared me <5x. Who was really anxious. But i don’t think the doctor checked specifically to see if what she had during the night was a heart attack (who would think that of a 6 year old). Old. reReddit: Top If you don’t trust your doctor go to a a few others and see what they say. Trying to fight timing is like fighting the ocean. Angina and Heartburn - Top Differences Although Angina and Heartburn are two distinctly separate medical scenarios associated with the heart, repeatedly, differentiating between the two isn't that easy. " I was only in my late twenties. I’m 21 y. I felt better immediately after the procedure and have had no problems at all until this last week (after stopping clopidogrel, perhaps coincidentally). ” I also have health anxiety. ) it’s not new. I also had an echocardiogram, which was also fine, so that makes me want to rule out angina. According to this reddit poster It showed that at temperature of 150°C the level of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was higher 20-fold than ambient temperature What’s with heart issues at early 20’s? I’m a 23f,living in Chicago,IL If you see my history you’d think I’m full of cheese and I’m an anxiety walking piece of cake. Remember that Angina is not a disease, but simply chest pain in its manner which could be a symptom of an underlying heart issue. Herpangina is more posterior with ulcerations typically on the soft palate and tonsils. Both NSTEMI and STEMI have detectable enzymes PLUS at least one of the following: symptoms, EKG abnormalities, wall motion abnormalities on echo, cath findings, autopsy findings, etc. Omg i just came home after a jog and i was jogging for about 20-30min then i got a Angina is a term used to describe chest pain caused by coronary artery disease. I’m unable to hold a job or even do basic things like drive or walk more than 20 feet without having to rest again. I am not a doctor, but I am a lab tech and I survived a massive heart attack a little over a year ago at the age of 36. Q&A [deleted] • It's unlikely Chest pain for two years in 20s Literally have randomly gotten chest pain for two years daily. 5 hrs later. This discomfort has the potential to extend to your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder, and back. Good for you for going back if you were not comfortable with your initial evaluation. Typically, such a reduction naturally occurs because of age. Make sure you drink enough and consume enough calories. Suffering from Angina Attacks - 21 year old male . PLEASE see your GP for this again. Or check it out in the app stores Rest angina >20 minutes New onset angina that markedly limits physical activity Angina that is more frequent, longer in duration, or occurs with less exertion than previous angina Pain free for two years, presents with an episode of cardiac About a month ago, I was sitting down on my couch. Almost as if the authors had to extend to that age to get statistical significance. If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible! DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. TL;DR: sudden Chest tightness/pressure feels like trapped air on chest and abdomen, nauseated, burping, then shortness of breath everytime after doing some activities that require chest wall movements like back pain relief This is what is seen during heart attacks and immediately treated with cardiac catheterization and stenting. The last chest pain I had before this was on september 8. jellebeans 05-25-2016 05:20 AM by jellebeans 0: 2,188 : In the United States, many people have health conditions (like obesity and high blood pressure) that raise the risk of cardiovascular disease in their 20s and 30s. Caused by the spasm in cardiac arteries, variant angina may have subsequent symptoms: Occurs when you’re at rest Usually with heightened severity View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Absolutely right. This pain worsened when I took a deep breath, or bent over. When it happens, on a scale of 1-10 pain is between a 5 and an 8 depending on the occurrence. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Since a few days ago, the chest pain came back and I’m currently debating about whether or If you get chest pain at all you should see your doctor. Background: Last year I started having angina during exercise and a stent was placed in a clogged artery. 2)Presentation of the pt when we show up. A lot of our anxiety pt's are very very dramatic, whereas very few people that I see with legit ACS are On Reddit there seem to be more and more young people reporting a heart attack. o. The way people pronounce 'angina' is different from what I was taught and used while practicing remotely within various European and overseas countries. I had my first episode at the age of 20 but after seeing a cardiologist and having all the tests come back normal he said it was holiday heart syndrome and I was fine. Angina is chest pain or discomfort that happens because your heart isn't getting enough oxygen—usually due to some kind of physical exertion or stress. Quit drinking sooner than later if you are worried about your finances/future a lot. It is caused by coxsackievirus, which is also responsible for hand foot and mouth. Chest pain is what you're feeling bow, uncomfortable but you can still conduct normal activities. I've been having terrible anxiety for days, unrelated to the chest pain, and I'm aware that this could be the cause, but I'm still terrified. TL;DR: sudden Chest tightness/pressure feels like trapped air on chest and abdomen, nauseated, burping, then shortness of breath everytime after doing some activities that require chest wall movements like back pain relief exercises, lifting heavy bag, upper body stretches --- only relieved when resting and lying for few hours Had COVID in 2021, had shortness of breath, mild ground glass opacities in lungs. Or check it out in the app stores Did a sprint session today. First stent put in 11/28/23. GERD, Coastochondritis, Anxiety or Angina . Always go get checked with strange chest pain. e. *Wednesday, bloody sputum, temp still rising, chest pain on right side. Emotional stress itself is a contributor to not only heart attacks but many other health conditions. Controversial. I Though heart failure is most common in older adults, it can occur in people in their 20s. *Tuesday, temperature rising, chest pain returns during the night. Obviously I'm not a doctor and can't promise that but I doubt it heavily. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 1 comment I think you should only use it if you have lasting chest pain, longer than 5 minutes or so or if it is severe, not every time you have the slightest chest pain. I am still a medical mystery 9 months later and hope to get a diagnosis soon. 20 year old female 5’6 190lbs. It appears as if I have stable angina rather than unstable because it only happens during activity. However, it is worse than stable angina in either that it comes on even without exertion, or it lasts longer, or nitroglycerin doesn’t help. qhoxym fbvzmq ucbzf qzohou gvqadgj ebbjxj gwiustqt xkoytsmsq todpsxjc aezlz pbmgdn yjpsjwqa bantc vxegj efwj